Northwest Indiana Birding Opportunities - Beverly D. Crone Restoration Area
Beverly D. Crone Restoration Area is a former landfill consisting of 111 acres in southwest South Bend.

A crushed gravel trail makes for easy walking around the edge of the grassland, with a cross-trail that cuts through the center. What Crone Restoration Area lacks in quantity, it more than makes up for in quality, as it provides ideal habitat for a variety of grassland species. The landfill cap is surrounded by shrubs and trees that can be productive during migration and breeding seasons for species such as Orchard Oriole, Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Willow Flycatcher, and a variety of warblers.
Local birders have found this to be a hotspot for typically hard-to-find grassland species such as Henslow’s Sparrow, Sedge Wren, Dickcissel, Bobolink, and Eastern Meadowlark, which are vocal and easily observed during breeding season. Other notable grassland species sometimes found here include Grasshopper Sparrow, Savannah Sparrow, Vesper Sparrow, and American Kestrel.
Watch for Sandhill Cranes and Wild Turkeys feeding in the surrounding agricultural fields. During the winter months, look for Rough-legged Hawks perched in the eastern tree line. Rarities spotted here include Blue Grosbeak and Bell's Vireo.
eBird Hotspot Link:
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Address: Beverly D. Crone Restoration Area, 21448 Jackson Rd., South Bend, IN 46614.
Directions: South of Ireland Rd. at the intersection of Linden Rd. and Jackson Rd. west of U.S. 31, South Bend.
Hours: Dusk to Dawn
Ownership: St. Joseph County Board of Commissioners holds title to the land. It is jointly managed by the Department of Public Works and the St. Joseph County Parks.
Admission: Free
Restrictions: Pets must be on leash. Please obey all rules and regulations
Parking: Small parking areas are located at the corner of Jackson and Linden Roads on the east end of the property and near the corner of Jackson and Locust Roads at the west end of the property.
Nearby Amenities: None on site. Restaurants and other facilities are located on Ireland Rd. a few miles to the east.
Accessibility: Gravel walking trail.
Phone Number: (574) 277-4828
Written by: Jim Spier
Photo by: Carol Goodall